HTML for Dummies

13 Feb

This week, we began to learn about HTML and how it functions. As I had never done this previously, I found it really interesting. Often by mistake, I have clicked on “inspect element” on a webpage and the HTML coding would come up which, in turn, would leave me hoping I didn’t break my laptop and searching for the ‘x’ to close this page.

Now that I have a basic understanding of it, I find it great. I think it’s so interesting that a simple notepad document with lots of ‘<’s and ‘>’s can quickly turn into an unpublished webpage. I really enjoyed typing codes for different features such as text size and colour, inserting hyperlinks, and choosing a background colour/image. While doing the required task, we were provided with the following link: This site allows you to mix and match colours and choose the most appropriate one for your site, while providing you with the code for the colour you’ve made.

This leads me to another thought: How do the colours of a webpage influence the reader? I find it very interesting that the connotations a colour brings with it can make or break a website. I don’t have personal experience with this as we have not yet begun to create a website, but I will most definitely be thinking hard about my colour scheme and the thoughts it may/may not provoke in visitors to the website.


Image source:

2 Responses to “HTML for Dummies”

  1. Peanut Butter Blogger March 5, 2013 at 7:14 pm #

    This is a really important point you made about colors, Lee!

    • leer1991 March 5, 2013 at 7:30 pm #

      Yeah I intend to dedicate a blog to it soon when I have a little more knowledge about it. Thanks for the comment!

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